This post will not give a hard, mechanical breakdown of every feat that will be in my hypothetical 6e PHB. There's way too much balancing that will go on for that to be feasible. It will, instead, try to theory-craft what makes a good feat, how to build good feats and outline some ideas around that to give possible feats for 6e. When looking at feats, we have the whole of the 3e/3.5e ecosystem and the 5e ecosystem to look at. I skipped 2e completely but I understand that there were feats in 2e as well. We also have, although it's structured differently, Pathfinder and Pathfinder 2e. We have a few ideas to bear in mind here: Core or Optional : 5e gave us feats as an optional rule, every other system has them as a core rule. Complexity : 5e made them simple. In essence they rely on a simple proficiency at most, although a few are tied to being a given race. Pathfinder 2e goes for Ancestry (race equivalent), general, class, level, tree-like prerequisites (you can only take this f...
This blog is written with the assumption that Wizards of the Coast lose their marbles and appoint me to be the lead designer for 6e D&D! It's not going to start as a serious play-test build, more outlining the ideas I'd like to see but if there is enough interest it might build up to more.