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The Magic Item Market

In 5e, magic items are handled in a rather weird fashion, with Xanathar's offering a bolt on market system for magic items and the scaling for items being distinctly odd. This system also offered attunement for items, with limited slots and, seriously weird crafting rules. 5e also brought a change from the highest limits being +5 bonuses to the highest limit being +3 bonuses.
Compare that to 3e/3.5e (hereafter 3e). In both of these feats offered PCs a tool to create magic items for themselves, although it would mostly be NPCs, and every item had a carefully calculated price. 
What I'm proposing is that 6e brings through, with suitable changes, is a version of those 3e crafting rules from the start. If you want a +3 Holy Avenger, that will have a price, and that price will determine how long it takes to craft.
However, I'm going to take a couple of things from 5e. 
  1. I have no problem with the top end bonus being limited to +3. You can, as you will know if you're familiar with 3e, craft things with a higher functional bonus than that, but the actual bonus is still limited, you'd get +3 and Holy (which is worth an extra +2, so you'd calculate the time and cost as if making a +5 weapon.
  2. I'm going to keep the idea of attuning items, although I'm going to tweak it. In 3e, a +3 weapon, armour or shield cost 9,000 gp. I'm not saying that's what it will cost in 6e, but it's a good working number. Anything that costs 9,000 gp or more will need to be attuned. Anything less, you're good.
  3. 5e introduced the concept of low, normal or high magic campaigns. I'm going to kind of keep that, but by a different route. In a low magic campaign you only have one attunement slot, medium three, high five. For further fun, GMs can opt to limit non-attunement items too, to say 3x the number of attunement slots you have, although I don't have a mechanism for that fully fleshed out. This would be an optional rule. Those numbers are not hard and fast, maybe 2, 4, 6 slots works better, or 2, 3, 5 but something like that.
In 5e, they introduce a tyranny of the hard cap 20 to your stats, then they proceed to break it with barbarians at level 20, the magic tomes that raise your stats and your max stat and a few other things. 6e will go back to 3e on this, assuming we're looking like a traditional D&D game. Take your +2, +4 and +6 items to any stat and no limit. ASIs might still be limited to 20, but with magic you can get up to 26. Of course, the +4 (16k) and +6 (36k) items require an attunement slot, so you still have to pick and choose. 

In the crazy world of Fudge D&D stat boosts become far less powerful, although increasing your max stat pool is still nice, but they probably become +1, +2 and +3 items and far less expensive. Otherwise a lot of this looks the same, although weapons might have bonuses to hit or bonuses to recovery time or both. Fun.


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